Agency WordPress Theme

business wordpress theme

Agency Pro is a business WordPress theme designed specifically for creative agencies offering professional services to customers. It’s fully responsive and built using popular Genesis Framework, this theme includes many options to get your website up and running in minutes, start customizing your new site. It includes pre-made templates for website pages – default, archives, blog, and lading page.

Theme Features

Responsive Design: The responsiveness of your website, no matter what devices your visitors are using, ensures that your audience gets the best reading experience. Search engines like Google, Bing also like the responsive behavior of your web page.

SEO Optimized: This WordPress theme is SEO-optimized to get your content a better ranking in search results.

Translation Ready: The website can be translated into any language, so you’re never limited to just native English.

Documentation & Support: Getting started with a theme is super easy. Thanks to the rich, extensive documentation that comes with it. And, if you still have questions, use the support forum or email the support team directly.


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